Out with the old! In with the new! Well, for a day anyway:) As you can see as soon as I opened the box with the Build-A-Bear, Zealand introduced it to Owl. Bear went with us everywhere that day, Owl under one arm and Bear under the other. In the bed for nap time and off to the store and 2 doctor's appointments. I'm sorta glad Bear didn't follow everywhere in the days to come because it made for hard to manage trips that included hand holding!
Build-A-Bear is new for me, I've never been in one of their stores although I definitely know all about them and the concept. I had been wanting to go this summer, once I heard that they now have a specialty owl for the release of Harry Potter but we don't have one in town, so I haven't made it into their store yet! Zealand has PLENTY of stuffed animals, and I assure you, this is no lie, this is the ONLY animal that has caught his attention other than his beloved Owl. Maybe because is has clothes and shoes? Or the fact that is it really quite adorable? Made well? All of the above probably.
For the month of August Build-A-Bear if running a $29.99 promotion. Get ANY bear, ANY hanging outfit and shoes. That's more than I would spend on a bear normally, but I know there are some DIE HARD Build-A-Bear enthusiasts and that this is a great deal in terms of Build-A-Bear deals!!!
Wanna win one?
Build-A-Bear has offered YOU my readers a chance to get your own dressed bear similar to Zealand's!!
Main entry:
1. Follow Build-A-Bear on twitter and tweet that you saw them @zealandsmom (leave your status link as a comment)
Additional entries:
2. Become a facebook fan of Build-A-Bear
3. Follow my blog
4. Put my button on your blog
5. Follow me on twitter
6. Subscribe to my RSS feeds
7. Tell me who you would give the bear to?
8. Any constructive criticism for my blog?
Contest ends Wednesday August 19th at noonish EST
Winners are chosen through random.org
Winner will be emailed and have 48 hours to respond. If no response, I will chose a new winner.
Build-A-Bear sent me a bear for the review.
Build-A-Bear is new for me, I've never been in one of their stores although I definitely know all about them and the concept. I had been wanting to go this summer, once I heard that they now have a specialty owl for the release of Harry Potter but we don't have one in town, so I haven't made it into their store yet! Zealand has PLENTY of stuffed animals, and I assure you, this is no lie, this is the ONLY animal that has caught his attention other than his beloved Owl. Maybe because is has clothes and shoes? Or the fact that is it really quite adorable? Made well? All of the above probably.
For the month of August Build-A-Bear if running a $29.99 promotion. Get ANY bear, ANY hanging outfit and shoes. That's more than I would spend on a bear normally, but I know there are some DIE HARD Build-A-Bear enthusiasts and that this is a great deal in terms of Build-A-Bear deals!!!
Wanna win one?
Build-A-Bear has offered YOU my readers a chance to get your own dressed bear similar to Zealand's!!
Main entry:
1. Follow Build-A-Bear on twitter and tweet that you saw them @zealandsmom (leave your status link as a comment)
Additional entries:
2. Become a facebook fan of Build-A-Bear
3. Follow my blog
4. Put my button on your blog
5. Follow me on twitter
6. Subscribe to my RSS feeds
7. Tell me who you would give the bear to?
8. Any constructive criticism for my blog?
Contest ends Wednesday August 19th at noonish EST
Winners are chosen through random.org
Winner will be emailed and have 48 hours to respond. If no response, I will chose a new winner.
Build-A-Bear sent me a bear for the review.
its tweettastic.
buildabear fan on fb i am
your blog, i follow it
i also follow you on twitter, which is only confusing when you and your bog are walking in different directions...
your button is on my blog at http://fentonslee.blogspot.com
your feeds, they're what's for dinner.
i'm really being a smartypants today, sorry.
constructive criticism. i like the layout of your blog, but (and i need to do this too) it'd be more elegant if you centered all the various buttons along the sidebar. (did i mention i need to do this too?) and i'm also thinking about asking @mamajoss how she resizes everyone's buttons to be the same size, because that would so streamline things over on mine too.
Thanks Momma! Tweet RE http://bit.ly/eU2z3
if i won, mongoosine would have fun rockin' out some seriously awesome build-a-bearage. she is a stuffed animal maniac!
I follow you on twitter (but you already new that) mags1978
I follow the blog
I added you to my Google reader
I follow @buildabear on twitter and tweeted about it just for you!
I follow your blog! As in me...Mrs Mommy!
I stalk you, I mean follow you on twitter.
I know for fact that my Cree Bug would get this sweet little bear. He is such a snuggler and I know he would love it!
I am RSS feed stalking your blog as well. Does this sound unhealthy yet?
I follow buildabear and tweeted. http://twitter.com/Kaylynbuckner/status/3156275564
I follow your blog.
I follow you on twitter. Kaylynbuckner
I would give the bear I won to my DD who will be 1 soon!
http://twitter.com/EllisFan14/status/3158083452 woot!
I would give the bear to my daughter Violet for her 1st birthday next month!
I follow your blog!
I follow you on Twitter @EllisFan14
I subscribe to your RSS feed on my google homepage
I'm a facebook fan of Build A Bear Katie A S
My constructive criticism is that I'm trying to copy the code to put your button on my blog but when I do it clicks and opens your blog in a new window.
I follow Build a Bear and tweeted: http://twitter.com/SereneMoments/status/3158562571
I follow you on twitter: @SereneMoments
I follow your blog.
I would give this to one of my great nieces
My constructive criticism:
Love you and your blog but the title doesn't fit.
I fanned them on FB.
I follow you on twitter (stealsdeals)
ajcmeyer at go dot com
I follow Build a Bear on twitter
I would love to use this gift card as a treat to take my girls for a day of fun!
followed build a bear on Twitter and tweeted, not sure how to link status - but this goes to me ;) http://twitter.com/Hula_Hoopin_Mom
Became a fan of Build a Bear on Facebook
I follow you on Twitter :) Hula_hoopin_mom
Do I have to give the bear away?? LOL just kidding - it would of course go to my baby girl who is starting kindergarten this year :(
I follow you on twitter (AnnathanMagz)
tweet tweet!!!
follow you on twitter @Shopaholic_Mama
i follow your amazing blog :)
Added you to my google reader <3
I would love to give the bear to my new nephew when I meet him next month!! Cant wait to hold him ;)
constructive criticism....your grab button code!! i tried again today to follow your directions and i cant get it to work. maybe i will try on my desktop computer. wish i could help you fix it, but i have no clue when it comes to technical stuff like that :)
follow build a bear on twitter and twittered that I saw them here
FB fan of Build a Bear
following you on twitter amolino
this bear would go to my son!
I just found your blog and I love it...no criticisms here!
I posted on twitter
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
FB fan of build a bear
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
follow ur blog
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
follow on twitter
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
Subscribe to RSS feeds
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I would get this for my little guy! He is 14 months and loves stuffed animals. He would love a specail bear of his own.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
Can't think of any criticism...love that you post upcoming giveaways. And you seem to say it as it is most the time.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I tweeted!! http://twitter.com/Mom2chunkymonky/statuses/3194301721
I am a Facebook Fan of build a bear!
I follow you on twitter! @mom2chunkymonky
I would give the bear to chunky monkey, of course! He would love it! He doesn't have a teddy yet.
As for criticism, this is totally just preference on my part, but I like it when you go to leave a comment, and it pops up in a separate box. You can still see the original post, if you need to refer back, without having to scroll through a zillion comments, and also, the small box has a link at the top that says "jump to comment box", again so you don't have to scroll through all the comments. Yes, I am just THAT lazy!!
Oh, ooops! I do subscribe via RSS!!
I follow ur blog
follow you on twitter too
I would give this bear to my DS
I thought the previous background was too dull for a vibrant chica such as you but this new one is you!!
I follow build a bear on twitter as Prairiebelle
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I subscribe
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I would give the bear to my son
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
Main entry:
Tweeted at
I am a new facebook fan od BuildABear
I follow you on twitter
It would be for my girl or boy to be!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/IamKeonte/status/3275170963
I follow your blog.
Your button is on my left sidebar.
I follow you on Twitter (@IamKeonte).
I would give the bear to my son.
The only thing I suggest is to not center your post, but align them to the left.
That's minor. The rest is great.
mdec07 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter
Id give this to my 10 month old son
Constructive criticism: make it three columns for more room =D
I follow build a bear on twitter
I am a fan of build a bear on facebook
I follow your blog
I follow you on twitter.
I would give the bear to my son Joseph
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