Sorry to those of you that actually read what I have to say besides reviews/giveaways. My computer is fixed but I have to get my wireless hooked back up to it, and since my Mom is in town, I haven't had much time. Kingsley is set up in a pack and play in my bathroom, as her bedroom is also the spare room. So it seems that as soon as I get the time to set up the computer, Kingsley is asleep and I can't go into my room, in case of accidentally waking her.
It's really lovely to have my Mom here. She cleans my house and lets me take naps:) She rubs my back and plays with my hair at night. I love switching roles and being the baby. She came into town because Christian went down to Tampa to apply for the Hillsborough Sheriff's Department. His first day was an intense physical fitness test followed by an interview. I think only 2 followers "know" Christian. He is NOT an interviewer. He tends to take the back seat and not be the type "A" personality that interviewers want. It has cost him a job before even though he is highly qualified to do almost anything. They loved him! (I know because my brother in law is a Deputy and they texted him to tell him) The next day was another make or break day....the polygraph!!! We've all done something we don't want others to know about. Called in sick to work, when you weren't, maybe went to a Jimmy Buffet concert and smoked a tad of weed? Took something that was laying around work, that you knew they wouldn't miss if it was gone! Anyway...he passed that too! So tonight he does a 6pm to 6am ride-a-long on a patrol. He still has an oral board and a psychological test to do weeks down the road.....but for now, it looks VERY positive!
THANK YOU FOLLOWERS!!!! I am not at 101! I promised a big I have to rustle some stuff up! I gave away some of the stuff that I was going to giveaway here, to a friend with a I gotta re-evaluate some stuff! Thanks for following, thanks for listening, and thanks to those who comment. I know I have some good gals, and I truly thank you all!
Glad to see you back! And congrats on making it to 101 follower!
Glad you are back.
YAY for hubby's possible job! Sweet! And well for your mom being there. I've been away from my blog as well because my mommy was here! I know what you mean about her cleaning your house, and taking naps! I got those as I'm just not spoiled and my house is looking a tad shabby! :(
I'll keep my fingers crossed..sounds promising!
I'm so glad that Christian did well at his interview but I will be soooo sad if you leave me :(
OMG. I have so missed you! So glad everything went well for the hubs! They will be lucky to have him it sounds like...*CROSSINGFINGERS*
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