

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tweetdeck 101

  1. 1st You GOTTA download tweetdeck...if you're still using twitter streamer, you might as well be using a rotary phone! GO to and if you don't know how to download from there, I seriously have no hope for you!
  2. 2nd You have this massive overwhelming screen right? Well, lets organize it a bit. Use the "eyeglass" on the top navigation bar to search for "chats" that you want to keep in the know about. Here is the "chats" I follow: #clothdiapers #babywearing #bfing and #giveaway
  3. 3rd Organize in what order you want your streams to be. For example, you dont get very many direct messages, so no need to keep them on your main page....use the arrows at the bottom of your stream to go left or right with your streams.
  4. 4th Make sure your facebook updates is off! There is nothing more embarrassing than tweeting about your breastfeeding to all your high school buddies! Look for the F on the top tool bar.
  5. 5th Organize your friends. If you have friends that aren't really your friends and you could care less about what they tweet, put them all together by clicking the group button on your top tool bar and push them to your far right:)
  6. 6th Use your shorten URL button, for heavens sake! www's aren't clickable when put into a tweet, so throw up your www in the box under your tweet and just do it!
  7. 7th Scroll over the person's face to reply to that person, retweet (saying exactly was said person said) Direct message or other actions, such as follow, unfollow, block or add them to a group
  8. 8th Turn off your volume. I hate the dinging it does everytime it updates a new notification. Which I love the notifications when I'm entering all my giveaways!!
  9. 9th If you have a second account setup for work or for chats cause you get put in jail, you can add it to this layout and click which account you want to tweet from or tweet from both at the same time....which can be annoying for those people that follow BOTH of your accounts!
  10. 10th Dont hit your refresh button! It takes away from the allowed API per hour. Just don't do it OK?
  11. 11th Use your setting box: I have auto complete username checked...dont have to type in whole name! I have notification window checked, so when Im blogging, I can see if anyone is talking about me:) I have open profiles in saves on the API and it handy too:) And I have autohashtags checked so when you reply to someonewho has #clothdiapers in their tweet, your tweet will have #clothdiapers in it too!
  12. 12th change the colors....make it yours! If you love it as much as I know you will, play around and get it to where it's home and fun!
  13. To see someone's information click on their name under their picture!
  14. To get a tweet status (used in giveaways) click the time you tweeted then copy and paste the URL into the comment form for a giveaway
  15. To see what the hell someone is talking about, click the reply to words under the picture far right and that will show you the conversation they are having and who they are responding to:)
  16. UPDATE: I forgot my favoritist tool! the twit shrink! It's the button on the far right upper hand side with the arrow pointing down. This will take your tweet that is too long and abbreviate words and use symbols to make it 140 characters! COOL HUH?


Unknown said...

You should definitely be getting some type of compensation for all the pr you do for tweetdeck!! Great instructions and thanks!!

Nicole said...

I only WISH I could download tweetdeck! Tweetdeck is based on Adobe Air. Adobe Air only runs on Intel based Mac operating systems. I don't have an Intel, so I'm upgraded as high as I can go, and still can't get tweetdeck. Find me another good alternative and I'll gladly stop using my rotary phone.

Anonymous said...

I still haven't downloaded it yet. I'm a loser.

Jen said...

Thank you! I do use tweetdeck and love it, but your tips will really help me organize better!

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Excellent instructions. I do all this. I just love me some Tweetdeck.

Mrs Mommy said...

Why thanks doll. There is definately somethings I didn't know in this. I have only been using tweetdeck since the beginning. But the little shortcuts I so didn't know! You rock it!

Barbara Schantz said...

Thanks! I downloaded TweetDeck a while back and didn't have much luck figuring it out, so this is a big help for me. :)