It's hard to write a post about "Back to School" when we haven't been before!
I say "we" literally of course as I did go to school.
I don't really remember having any anxiety or nervousness accompanied with the first day of school. I was always excited and eager to learn (a trait I hope my children inherit).
I know that not all kids were the same as me and I know that not all parents felt the anxiety-ridden sleep I had preparing Zealand to go to pre-school for the first time.
I always like to share tips so here is how my family transitioned Summer-time into School-time:
1. Bedtime rituals!!! Starting bedtimes early is really hard with the hustle and bustle of summer time activities and a sun that seems to never want to set. The sooner you do it the smoother it makes the days leading to the "Big Day"
2. Eating balanced meals. WHAT? Our school has a criteria as to what should be packed in Zealand's lunch. At first, I was a tad upset that they were telling me what to pack...then I realized it wasn't directed to me per se but to the millions of parents who have obese children. Preparing balanced lunches will help in the transition to school lunch time. McDonalds and Pizza Hut isn't accessible, so this transition might be more for the parent than the kid! ;)
3. Discipline. I started telling Zealand weeks before we started school that "His teacher wouldn't like that...or this" often. Not that I wanted to use his future teacher as a tool or lever but to make sure that he comprehended that he was to have guidelines and rules. Being that Zealand has never been under the care of anyone but family, rules is something new to him. Zealand has an aversion to the word "No" to a humiliating fault.... something we are working on, as we tend to not use the word in our home.
4. Bathroom Breaks. Sure, sure they have to be potty-trained but are the clothes you are sending them to school potty-ready?
This is something I should have shared with my friends earlier, as my dear friend already had to go and re-do her school clothes shopping. I have one quick and easy word: ELASTIC. I'm not a fan (mostly for myself....just tacky) but it truly is a must to make sure that your preschooler has the ability to drop those drawers in no time flat or they will be the talk of the class....and not in a good way!
5. Being Prepared. I'm sending Zealand to preschool because I already know that he is not prepared for VPK (Florida's Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten). I'm taking the steps early to ensure that he doesn't fall behind because quite frankly I don't know how that feels and can't imagine. My sister took summer classes at
Kumon because she fell behind in lots of subjects.
Kumon is an Academic Enrichment Program that drives students to perform at their highest potential. If you are looking for a fresh year of learning and need a place for your child to be motivated to achieve more on their own.....then look no further! Since 1958,
Kumon has helped more than 16 million children and is a valued and trusted company to my family.
Here's to a successful and fulfilling learning journey this year!
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