

Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on life

I thought I would let those of you that are interested in Peace Love Play, some insight on how things are going. We have some amazing days! And we have had some pretty crappy days too.
All in due time, slow and steady, and they will come. These are things, I would tell "my" friend, if the shoes were reversed, so I understand the words of encouragement but when it actually is Align Centeryou, it just feels awful!

We have yet to have a turn-out for our kid's nite out, a huge money maker for us. We have only one child attend the arts and crafts time, and I have only had 3 moms show up for the breastfeeding support time (all 3 on different days).
This past week we started baby sign language. 4 children came, 2 of which are breastfeeding moms! Later that afternoon another breastfeeding mom came in and we had a ton in common...that really makes me love my job. Thursday we had ELEVEN children! Friday we got word that the idiot sales lady for our local free paper jacked up our ad... terribly, and it was too late to fix, they had sent it to press before we proofed it. I am currently in battle with them to right this wrong and I will keep everyone posted. On a fabulous note, later that night, I got an email saying they wanted to interview us for the Tampa Tribune!
So....I'm hoping for a big week. I have a handful of reviews and giveaways in the works, so check back in soon.

I'm planning on starting a 30 days of blogging hop. I want to dedicate all of June to pure blogging. No reviews, no giveaways, just 30 days of feelings, thoughts and deep wisdom;)
Anyone interested in joining me?



Grey-Eyed Mom said...

If I lived closer, I would totally want to come to any of those events!

I wish I was more dedicated to blogging. I've been out of the habit for a while now. I thought a new one on blogger would get me more into it, but so far my posts have been few and far between.

TexasBobbi said...

I would totally join you.

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

I'd love to join for a few days (if not all) and I wish I lived close to you so I could bring my kiddies to your Peace Love Play group!

Ida Mae said...

I so wish I lived closer to you. Peace Love and Play would be a couple times a week thing for me.

It will come..

~Ida Mae