

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

#BfCafe June 10th with Bamboobies Nursing Pads

Nursing pads for some are a second thought. With Zealand, I had NO idea I would need them. I don't even know when exactly I bought them....although I totally needed them for about 6-12 weeks (those weeks were all a blur). What I do remember is that they were paper, they moved and shifted around and they were visible through my nursing bras and shirt....perfect circles like Volkswagen beetle head lights.
With Kingsley, I smarted up a bit. I did buy some re-usable ones....but I bought locally from Target. Flimsy and not absorbent at all....and you sould still see them straight through my tops. I dealt with it, because I knew I wouldn't need them much longer.
If I had a 3rd child, this child would have the creme' de la creme! I now know what to buy and when to buy things.
I'm excited to bring you Bamboobies. Although I have never tried these, I think the option of not going with a circle pad, is ingenious! Going bamboo, organic cloth and hemp? INCREDIBLE! The price? AMAZING! No really, 3 pair of daytime or lighter leaks and I pair of nighttime pads with a lingerie bag for only $29.
I have a preggo friend I would love to give these to!

So this week let's talk about leaking, how to deal with and suppress. We can chat about let downs and squirting milk! Who, what, where and why? Join me!
If you're interested in winning one of 3 pairs of bamboobies being given away please RSVP!


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