It can be daunting. Especially as a first time mom.
The sometimes dreaded nursing in public.
If you're like me, you freely nurse wherever you need to. But even as a seasoned NIPer, I still look around, look to see who is looking at me. Not that I really care, but I feel like I want to have a game plan and a speech prepared for just in case the ignorant approach.
It happened to me and I am pretty sure that I have blogged it before but for those of you that are new here is my story:
I took Kingsley to get her ears pierced. I, of course wearing my favorite nursing tank, had the buckle undone. So, that immediately after the first punch, I could attach her to my breast. After the first ear, I think she was in shock, no the piercer went on to the second ear.
Jackpot! Immediate tears, so I brought her to my breast. Tears subsided instantaneously and Kingsley stayed latched for comfort and possible hunger.
Then it came. The day, I guess I thought would never happen to me.
The piercer told me I needed to stop because women got in trouble for doing "that". I calmly laughed and said "Well that is illegal!" (I thought she might have been looking out me for)
She continued "Well, you need to be doing that in your own home and you can't be doing that back here, it is immoral". (I was at a Piercing Pagoda, inside the circular kiosk)
I said "Immoral? For feeding my child with the breasts that God gave me?"
It continued, I was heated up. I left in pure anger....mostly because I didn't want for Kingsley to be around the stupidity and for fear of what I just might have said, if I had stayed. My day ruined. Christian, who had taken Zealand to Sears, missed the whole thing. When I told him, he said it was her right to be offended, which of course turned into more heated debate.
What should I have said?
Could I have been more forceful & stayed?
Should I have had a better speech planned?
Here is a blog post about a friend of mine's (Pamela Dayton: from the datyon time) sister who was harassed while NIP at her local emergency room. Read how she handled it & see if you would have responded the same way?
Let's talk about ways to be confident & get some ideas of what kind of verbiage to have on hand for just an incident!
What if you had a product that wasn't so noticeably a nursing cover?
What if you had a product that was multi-functional?
Protect baby from the sun, lightweight, not cumbersome, easy to tote & cute?
Would you be interested?
Let me introduce you to MoBoleez....the multi-functional breastfeeding hat!
With adorable fabric options and easy to use, I can imagine this hat becoming a HUGE rage amongst moms that don't care for traditional covers!
You're really gonna love MoBoleez!
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The sometimes dreaded nursing in public.
If you're like me, you freely nurse wherever you need to. But even as a seasoned NIPer, I still look around, look to see who is looking at me. Not that I really care, but I feel like I want to have a game plan and a speech prepared for just in case the ignorant approach.
It happened to me and I am pretty sure that I have blogged it before but for those of you that are new here is my story:
I took Kingsley to get her ears pierced. I, of course wearing my favorite nursing tank, had the buckle undone. So, that immediately after the first punch, I could attach her to my breast. After the first ear, I think she was in shock, no the piercer went on to the second ear.
Jackpot! Immediate tears, so I brought her to my breast. Tears subsided instantaneously and Kingsley stayed latched for comfort and possible hunger.
Then it came. The day, I guess I thought would never happen to me.
The piercer told me I needed to stop because women got in trouble for doing "that". I calmly laughed and said "Well that is illegal!" (I thought she might have been looking out me for)
She continued "Well, you need to be doing that in your own home and you can't be doing that back here, it is immoral". (I was at a Piercing Pagoda, inside the circular kiosk)
I said "Immoral? For feeding my child with the breasts that God gave me?"
It continued, I was heated up. I left in pure anger....mostly because I didn't want for Kingsley to be around the stupidity and for fear of what I just might have said, if I had stayed. My day ruined. Christian, who had taken Zealand to Sears, missed the whole thing. When I told him, he said it was her right to be offended, which of course turned into more heated debate.
What should I have said?
Could I have been more forceful & stayed?
Should I have had a better speech planned?
Here is a blog post about a friend of mine's (Pamela Dayton: from the datyon time) sister who was harassed while NIP at her local emergency room. Read how she handled it & see if you would have responded the same way?
Let's talk about ways to be confident & get some ideas of what kind of verbiage to have on hand for just an incident!
What if you had a product that wasn't so noticeably a nursing cover?
What if you had a product that was multi-functional?
Protect baby from the sun, lightweight, not cumbersome, easy to tote & cute?
Would you be interested?
Let me introduce you to MoBoleez....the multi-functional breastfeeding hat!
With adorable fabric options and easy to use, I can imagine this hat becoming a HUGE rage amongst moms that don't care for traditional covers!
You're really gonna love MoBoleez!
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like that's news.
Immmoral! Hmmm. I wonder how many cases of formula God sent down with the baby Jesus so he wouldn't sin by breastfeeding? The stupid things people say!
Heh. I don't think I've ever spelled immoral with 3 m's before. LOL
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I have been wanting to try these. It would also be a great hat when they are being carried to protect their little head. So awesome!
Thanks for sponsoring!
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If I can help it I won't BF in public only because I don't like to be fully dressed. However, the nutrition of my baby is more important than anything anyone might say. It's completely legal in the US at least to BF in public.
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