

Friday, September 17, 2010

New kellogg's Rice Krispies 'Love Letters' Wrapper

There are only 2 things I really remember about the days when my mom packed my lunch.
One was bologna.

I assume at one point I loved it. mom kept packing it. I think she must have packed me a bologna sandwich every day for 5 years.
I now hate bologna.

The other thing I remember is how my mom would write love letters to me on the napkins packed along side my lunch.
I never, remember being embarrassed and I don't remember even saying anything to
my fellow friends but
I'll never forget the comfort and words of encouragement written on my napkins.

I felt so strongly about the 'love letters' that I now write them to my husband!

Funny enough on his 1st day of macho Sheriff's training....I snuck in a love letter.
And wouldn't you know ANOTHER man at his lunch table had a lover letter in his lunch box too!

Well, the next day I did not add a letter and while he was "searching" through his box for his letter the other man was searching for his letter too!

My husband says "I didn't get one today....did you?"

As if they were saddened to not have one!
My husband the 33 year old child.

Needless to say, we now pack re-usable napkins so it's great that I found the new
Kelloog's Rice Krispies with their write on I can sneak my letters in more often.

We can have less waste this way and I can still send my daily words of affection.
*If I can manage not to eat them all before I get them packed in his lunch!*
(Maybe I'll just use the write on label to mark which ones are MINE!)

What will you write on your Rice Krispies package?
Any fun or new ideas?

Disclaimer: I was compensated for my time writing this post
and Kellogg's sent me a package of Rice Krispies for review


1 comment:

kailey2004 said...

That is so sweet! I cant wait for Ka and An to start regular school so I can send them love notes too.

You're hubby is adorible lookin thru his lunch for a love note. He truely cares.