

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tupperware as this week's #BfCafe Sponsor

I have stored pumped milk in MANY ways.
I have screwed on bottles & froze directly in the bottles..... and ran out of bottles by doing so.
I have pumped into milk storage bags....that I thought to be SUPER messy when pouring back into the bottle.
I have pumped into ziplock bags, when I forgot to bring containers to pump into...
which was just as awful as it sounds.
I have pumped into bottles and poured the milk into "breastmilk trays".....only to have them warp and be useless after a few rounds in the dishwasher.
I have pumped and poured into ice trays and then placed the cubes into ziplocks....which I have some well over a year old, still in my deep freeze.

So, lets talk storing.
Let's talk pumping and storing and how many ounces to store in a single container and how long milk should be left in freezer, in fridge or on counter.

Tupperware has some amazing ice cube trays (BPA free) that have a virtually seal tight lid!
***Meaning no stinkiness getting into your precious milk***
These trays are only available until mid-September and you can only get them directly through the representative, they are not available online.

These trays are on sale for a set of two for $12.75...originally $25.50

Dish washer SAFE AND....
these have a warranty!
You really get quality when you buy Tupperware and I will never go back to unsustainable products again!

Speaking of storing, I use the Ideal Lit'l Bowl Set to store our snacks on the road, the Sandwich Keeper Set for our crackers and cheese and PB&Js, the Bell Tumbler Set...which the lids also fit our eco-tumblers for a larger sippy!

We just bought the complete Freezer Mates Set, which is how I would store my milk once it was cubed from their ice cube trays.
Since I no longer pump, we store our meats and leftovers!

And lastly, I wanna show you the pie press I bought to make my very own healthy "un-crustables".
I roll out the healthy whole grain bread and put in organic peanut butter and jelly!
I've also made egg and cheese sandwiches and tacos!

SO.....RSVP to prizes from Angela our Tupperware rep.
Must be present to win & tweet at least once during chat.
Must ship winnings to a US address.

For additional entries:
Book a virtual online party with Angela-5 extra entries
Make a purchase through Angela-5 extra entries
Fan #BfCafe on facebook-1 entry
Subscribe via email to this blog-1 entry
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gnatalie said...

I booked a Tuperware party Entry 1. So excited because my sister & I were just talking about needing to find someone selling Tuperware.

gnatalie said...

I booked a Tuperware party Entry 2

gnatalie said...

I booked a Tuperware party Entry 3

gnatalie said...

I booked a Tuperware party Entry 4

gnatalie said...

I booked a Tuperware party Entry 5

Lauren said...

I liked #bfcafe on fb

Lauren said...

I get yer emails!

Lauren said...

I am a google friend

Unknown said...

Hey Danielle - I was wondering if you or the representative you are working with could tell me if the Tupperware has PVC or phthlates in it? Thanks!

Tina said...

I'm a fan on FB

Tina said...

I'm a GFC follower!

gnatalie said...

I like #bfcafe on Facebook

gnatalie said...

I'm a Google friend now... can't believe I wasn't already

8KidzForMe said...

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8KidzForMe said...

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Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook.

Anonymous said...

i am a google friend of this blog

Anonymous said...

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Laura said...

I follow your blog on GFC

Laura said...

I "like" #bfcafe on FB (Laura Perkins)

kailey2004 said...

I joined up with #BfCafe on facebook

kailey2004 said...

Google friend connected :)

kailey2004 said...

Google friend connected :)

Laura said...

I booked a Tupperware online party (Laura Perkins).


Laura said...

I booked a Tupperware online party (Laura Perkins).


Laura said...

I booked a Tupperware online party (Laura Perkins).


Laura said...

I booked a Tupperware online party (Laura Perkins).


Laura said...

I booked a Tupperware online party (Laura Perkins).
